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Hintergrundbild des Studienbereichs Vendita e vendite

Vendita e vendite

Verkaufsfachleute beraten die Kundschaft, führen Verkaufsgespräche, sind zuständig für die Verkaufsförderungsmassnahmen, erledigen administrative Aufgaben und sind je nach dem auch im Aussendienst tätig. Die Aufgaben können je nach Branche sehr vielfältig sein. Verkaufsberater/innen können u.a. in Banken, Versicherungen und Verlagswesen tätig sein. Das Ziel ist es, dank einer professioneller Präsentation bestimmte Produkte zu verkaufen. Dafür müssen sie die Bedürfnisse der Kunden analysieren, sich bestens mit dem Produkt auskennen und gute Fähigkeiten im Bereich Kommunikation haben. 

What are the key areas?

If you want to do advanced training in sales and sales, you will expand your skills in marketing and sales. The study content includes the following modules, among others: Sales Planning, Fundamentals of Marketing, Distribution and Sales Management, Instruments of Marketing, Sales Information Systems, Sales Controlling, Sales Management. Both sales specialists and marketing specialists can be trained in this field. Depending on the place of training and the course, the modules may differ.

How long does the continuing education take?

If you are aiming for a Federal Diploma (BP) or Federal Diploma (HFP) or you want to complete further education at a higher technical school, the respective course lasts about 1-3 years. For example, a further education course as a federally certified sales manager takes around 3 semesters. A CAS in Sales Management takes 1 semester. Most continuing education courses are completed on a part-time basis

How much does continuing education cost?

A federal certificate of proficiency (BP) or federal diploma (HFP) costs in most cases between 5,000 and 15,000 francs. A course at a higher technical college, costs around 10,000 to 50,000 francs. Continuing education courses at universities, such as the CAS, cost between 6,000 to 10,000 francs or 20,000 to 40,000 for an MAS.

What are the admission requirements for candidates?

For admission, candidates are usually required to have a few years of professional experience in addition to their basic education. In certain cases, a university degree must also be presented. Depending on this, a decision can also be made ""sur dossier."" 

Vocations and career after further education

Depending on the further education, industry and company, a position in middle to upper management can be taken. Basically, the job market offers itself many opportunities.

Wage after further training

As a salesperson, the average salary is around 50,000 to 90,000 Swiss francs. For sales managers, on the other hand, this is between 90,000 and 135,000 francs. As a marketing manager, one earns around 8,500 CHF per month. The salary in each case depends on the industry, the company and the position.

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