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Hintergrundbild des Studienbereichs Informatica


Ein Studium in der Informatik richtet sich an Berufsleute aus der Informatik und verwandten Gebieten, die sich entweder für eine Führungsaufgabe in der IT oder eine Karriere in einem Bereich der Informatik interessieren. Informatik ist eine Schnittstelle zwischem dem Bereich Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaft. Das Studium kann an einer Fachhochschule, Höheren Fachschule, einer Hochfachschule oder einer Universität absolviert werden. Je nach Ausbildungsstätte erlangt man dabei ein Diplom, einen Bachelor- oder einen Masterabschluss. 

What are the main areas of study?

In the study of computer science, the mathematical and scientific as well as the fundamentals of technical, theoretical and practical computer science are taught. The more advanced the study, the more you also have the opportunity to set their own priorities according to their own interests. For students, programming forms an essential part of the education.

How long does a computer science degree take?

The bachelor's program can be completed full-time or part-time or part-time and lasts between 6-8 semesters. If you then still want to connect the master, this takes another 4 semesters. The usual degree is ""of Science"" or ""of Arts"".

How does a computer science degree cost?

A bachelor's degree costs between 4,500 -8,000 Swiss francs, depending on the university and duration, and between 10,000 - 50,000 Swiss francs at a higher technical college, again depending on the educational program. The differences are shown to you here.

What are the admission requirements for an education in computer science?

Depending on the training institution- and location, various requirements are necessary to be accepted into the program. This can be a certain previous education, but also a few years of work experience. A gymnasiale Matura with emphasis in mathematics or physics facilitates the entrance into the study, is however not presupposed.

Wage, job and career after studying computer science

With a degree in computer science, one has very good job prospects, as one can deal with complex systems, applications and software. It is possible for a graduate to enter finance, insurance, or consulting, as a developer, in project planning or IT security. The salary for computer scientists is around 60,000 to 100,000 Swiss francs per year, depending of course on the industry, degree and position. You can find potential employers here. 

Where can I study computer science?

Computer science can be studied at universities of applied sciences, universities and higher technical schools. It is offered at BFH Bern, HSR Rapperswil, FFHS Brig, ZHAW Winterthur, University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, and UNISI Lugano, among others. 

What are the experiences in computer science studies?

Bachelor, Master or higher technical college: you can find concrete computer science degree programs in Switzerland including experiences and insight from students below. You will also find a selection of students and alumni below who can advise you online and free of charge regarding studies and careers.

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