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Ingegnere civile
Bauingenieureinnen und Bauingenieure planen und konstruieren die gesamte Lebenswelt von Gebäuden und Infrastrukturen: Wohnhäuser, Geschäftshäuser und Bürogebäude oder auch Brücken. Neben der Planung und Konstruktion gehören auch der Bau, die Bauleitung, Bauüberwachung, Ingenieurbau Wasserbau, Geotechnik, Konstruktion von Bauwerken und Baustatik zu den klassischen Aufgaben in diesem Berufsfeld. Es gibt viele Überschneidungen und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Architektur.
The subjects of study include specialties such as numerical mathematics, physics, structural analysis and strength of materials, materials technology or geology. In addition, you can attend various elective modules in civil engineering during your studies to become a civil engineer and write your bachelor's thesis in the sixth semester.
Depending on the field of study or type of school, the length of study differs. The bachelor's degree can be completed full-time or part-time model and lasts between 6-8 semesters. After that, it is possible to follow a master's degree, which takes another 2-4 semesters. The start of studies is usually in the fall or spring.
A bachelor's degree costs between 4,500 -8,000 francs, depending on the university and duration, and at a higher technical college between 10,000 - 50,000 francs, again depending on the educational program. The differences are shown to you here.
Civil engineers work as salaried employees in the construction industry or as self-employed, in engineering or surveying offices or in project development. In the office, one works on tenders, designs and construction plans, alone or in a team. On site, as an engineer, one checks the progress of the project and that the planning specifications are being adhered to.
The salary: In Switzerland, as a civil engineer in salary between 75,000.- and 105,000 francs is possible, of course, this varies depending on the industry, degree and position. You can find potential employers here.
University of Applied Sciences or University: prospective civil engineers are trained at universities such as the FHNW, HSLU Luzern as well as ETH Zürich or at the ZHAW, among others. Universities of applied sciences tend to be more practice-oriented in their curriculum.
Bachelor or Master: You can find concrete study programs in civil engineering in Switzerland including experiences of students below. Also you will find below a selection students and graduates who advise you online and free of charge regarding studies and career.
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