for Comparison added

General information about eduwo
eduwo is an independent and objective Swiss platform for the exchange of experiences in the fields of study, training, further education, profession and career. eduwo offers students and graduates the opportunity to evaluate their training or further education and share their experiences. At the same time, interested parties can find out about all courses and educational institutions in Switzerland.
The decision for a study, a training and further education or the profession and career path is a defining milestone in the life of a young person. The educational offer in Switzerland is however very unclear. This leads to the fact that today there are still transparent and authentic information missing when it comes to deciding for the right training or further education. The goal of eduwo is to make educational courses or educational institutions more comparable and thus support education-interested persons based on experiences of students or professionals in the decision for the right training and further education or the right profession. Everyone deserves the best possible education and career path for them. Our goal is therefore to make all relevant information available from first hand. eduwo is convinced that the exchange of experiences has a positive effect on the conditions of students and professionals.
The education and career market are markets with the participants schools, education-interested people and companies. We support transparency for all market participants, which was previously only given one-sidedly in these markets. If there are fewer study dropouts and a lower turnover thanks to eduwo, then all market participants benefit - right up to the taxpayer.
Currently all universities (universities, universities of applied sciences and teacher training colleges) as well as higher vocational schools and private institutions with recognized educational programs are connected.
Information about the experience reports
Your experience report helps other young people to choose a suitable training or further education at the right school. Your experience report points out schools on improvement potential, which in turn helps them to improve the quality targeted.
The personal details or the email address are necessary so that eduwo has the opportunity to request a confirmation of registration by email in case of questionable ratings. This should prevent ratings that may be incorrectly stated. This helps to ensure the accuracy of the ratings and to provide future students with the best possible and truthful information on choosing a suitable study. eduwo treats the data according to the privacy policy and does not make personal information available to third parties.
The easiest way to use the search function, where the name or abbreviation of the school can be entered. If you can't find your school even after checking the spelling, we would be happy to hear from you.
It may be that the name of your studies has changed or the course you are taking is no longer offered by the school today. eduwo is based on the current course names. Let the profile page of your school show you all courses and search for similar or related names. Since the Swiss education system is very dynamic and subject to constant change, it may be that some courses are missing. The eduwo team is working to keep the site as up-to-date as possible and is updating the database on an ongoing basis. We are happy about any hint to missing schools or courses.
On graphically better developed pages there is an extended school profile, which allows schools to provide additional information to potential students such as brochures, pictures or contact details. Such schools and courses are deliberately marked as such. However, the ratings of former students cannot be influenced in any way by the schools. The ranking list is only made on the basis of the ratings.
No, eduwo is an independent rating and comparison platform and only former students contribute to the grades of the respective courses and schools. eduwo, however, hopes that the schools will become aware of their improvement potential through this website and will adapt their teaching, their environment or their infrastructure specifically to the needs of the students. In the long term, a school can indirectly influence the ratings.
It is important to the eduwo team to always consider both genders, or to use gender-neutral terms where possible, in order to consider all persons equally. If you should ever find only the female or male form of expression on our site, we would be pleased to hear from you.
eduwo is working hard to increase the number of ratings at all schools. There are schools that recommend eduwo to their students, which can mean that these schools have more ratings than others. Often these are schools that have a strong marketing and are otherwise strongly present. The number of ratings has no influence on the ranking or the quality of the individual ratings.
Relevance, seriousness, security and control
eduwo currently checks every experience report. As shown since the beginning, the experience reports are very constructive and only 0.25% of all experience reports had to be deleted.
Yes, this fortunately happens very rarely. An experience report about teachers is not allowed. Discriminatory, insulting, defamatory, racist and vulgar statements are not allowed and will be deleted immediately.
Every visitor who wants to give a rating must register with a properly valid email address. Trashmail addresses are not accepted. Technical filters also prevent the posting of swear words. Up to two ratings can be given per email address. In addition, each user and each school has the opportunity to give us feedback: Is a rating with questionable content, we check it immediately. If it does not meet the legal or our self-imposed criteria, the user is asked to adjust his rating accordingly.
eduwo makes, as a typical phenomenon of the social media era, subjective word of mouth about schools and courses useful and researchable. This allows future students to receive authentic impressions of a school based on authentic impressions. Even a few ratings per course or school are a great help from the perspective of future students. For the representativeness and thus the relevance of a rating profile, a school can take care of itself: A round mail with a rating request to the alumni or current students is enough. There is no reason not to do this for a school.
Of course: The more ratings there are for individual courses and schools, the greater the benefit for future students. But even single ratings often hit the mark. Especially experience reports from current students often reflect the current situation.
1. `These are primarily not genuine evaluations, but evaluations controlled by schools As far as the quality of evaluations on eduwo is concerned, we are guided by the e-mails and blog posts of our users and not by opinions of individual schools. Reviews controlled by schools require a very high effort to bypass eduwo's extensive control mechanisms. If there are a large number of conspicuous evaluations at a school, eduwo will request a study confirmation from the authors. This happens every few months. So far, however, no suspicions have been substantiated. In addition, an attempt at manipulation is thought to be very short-term. Let's assume that a student decides to attend a particular school on the basis of falsified evaluations. The school may be pleased to have gained another student. But as soon as the student gained in this way gets his first glimpse of the course of studies, he will quickly realize whether the reality corresponds to the evaluations or not. The student would then be justifiably disappointed, angry and feel that he or she has been cheated. Such an experience then quickly finds its way back to eduwo. Incidentally, attempted manipulation (also known as 'astroturfing') is not a trivial offense, but a violation of competition law under civil law and is punished accordingly. 2. 'There are (still) too few ratings for many study programs to really get a qualitative picture. eduwo is working tirelessly to generate even more ratings. Today, eduwo is already the largest platform of its kind in Switzerland. What is the yardstick for the 'too few'? Before the age of rating platforms, users could only get a first-hand impression of a school if they had friends who had also visited that school. But even this insight from the age of non-digital word of mouth was extremely subjective. Now, interested individuals have the opportunity to find out about a wide range of subjective school impressions on the Internet. eduwo has clearly improved the information situation for future students. 'Too few evaluations' is therefore not based on the status quo before the eduwo era, but on a fictitious wishful thinking.Nevertheless: we would like to see more assessments. Time is working for us here: we are currently seeing an increase in ratings of over 20 percent per month - and the trend is still upwards. However, it is clearly the responsibility of the schools to have a representative school profile on eduwo and to collect as many student and alumni votes as possible. Some schools have already understood this and motivate their students to submit evaluations. A low number of ratings can also arouse suspicion, along the lines of 'Do you have something to hide?'
Just think of your last holiday or restaurant visit. Experience reports are a real added value for users. This is already evident in many industries. Thanks to eduwo, the future student does not only take the marketing of the school for granted, but can form an objective picture. Schools that explicitly point out their students and alumni to eduwo and thereby generate ratings, also prevent the prejudice that ratings are only written by students with a need to communicate. It is a desirable development for us that exemplary schools, companies, hotels and restaurants are increasingly gaining attention through rating portals. Schools with catching up potential, on the other hand, have the opportunity to discover improvement potential based on feedback and to use it.
Evaluators rarely intend to harm a school. Rather, they use eduwo to point out opportunities for improvement. Schools should take this feedback seriously and see it as an opportunity. eduwo ensures compliance with legal and moral guidelines. Reports with misconduct are consistently deleted. eduwo also gives every school the opportunity to provide feedback: If there is an evaluation with questionable content, we review it immediately. If it does not meet either the legal or our self-imposed criteria, the user is asked to adjust his or her rating accordingly.eduwo also gives schools the opportunity to use a school profile and to comment officially and visibly on the ratings and comments. The fact is: critical opinions about schools that are true cannot be avoided. This is true not only for eduwo, but for all social media platforms. Another advantage is that eduwo offers schools clear and simple monitoring of testimonials and ensures constructive dialog. We would like to expressly warn against the manipulation of ratings as a counter-strategy. It makes more sense to use the potential of school ratings. The productive use of eduwo should be an integral part of marketing. With a premium profile, the school has the opportunity, unlike many other social media platforms, to actively respond to these ratings.
Information for schools
Yes, all ratings, which are given by current and former students, are visible on the website. An exception exists for comments that are insulting, attack directly people or contain curse words. In these cases, eduwo has a zero tolerance policy and the ratings are not published.
In their evaluation, current and former students can indicate whether they would recommend their studies in general. The higher the percentage value of the recommendation rate, the more often a study is recommended. The recommendation rate of a school is based on the evaluation of all courses offered at the respective school.
The more stars a school or a course has, the better students have rated their studies. We have defined the following rating: 5 stars = Very good, 4 stars = Good, 3 stars = Sufficient, 2 stars = Insufficient, 1 star = Weak