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Premium profile

Strengthen your online presence on eduwo with a premium profile. Find out about the benefits.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

contact card image

Raphael Tobler

Geschäftsführer & Inhaber

Title image & logo

Your logo and title image will be displayed on the school page. This gives you a higher profile and strengthens your image.

Answer reviews

Comment on submitted reviews and show that you take the opinion of the experience bearers seriously.

Information material

Receive suitable orders for information material for your school and your study / training courses.

Posting of experts

Let students and alumni simply talk about your school and study / training courses. This is authentic, efficient and effective.

No time required

We create your premium profile and make the necessary adjustments throughout the year. As a premium customer, you enjoy complete resource freedom and can determine your individual appearance and we implement your wishes.

VIP Listing

With a premium profile, you appear prominently linked in many places and record more page views. Benefit from an entry on the homepage, specially highlighted search results or advertising on standard profiles.

Access to statistics

With a premium profile, you get access to statistics for all Swiss educational institutions and their study and training courses. Compare your school with your direct competition and recognize early on which trend the reviews are taking with you or other schools.


With a premium profile, you can manage and design the entire content of your school profile yourself and individually. Give your profile vitality and highlight the special features through pictures, videos and your own text content. Offer the interested parties a detailed insight and convince them of you.

Premium Support

Personal contact persons, also by phone. Contact us at any time in the simplest way for you!

Success stories

Let students and alumni speak positively about your school or study / training course on your profile. Show yourself from the best side.

Offer added value

Upload of information brochures and illustrations as well as images. Offer users further information.

About Eduwo

Facts & Figures

Ø 20'000

Users per month

Ø 100'000

Page views per month

> 6'500

shared testimonials from Students & Alumni

Ø 20x

more clicks with premium profiles

> 7'000

registered users

> 4'500

Study and training courses

Target Group

We primarily address young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who are active on the Internet. Our target group is preparing for university, is in the middle of it, or is already looking for the right further education. Our users mainly move in urban environments, where schools are also located. For many of them, being close to education or training and having their finger on the pulse of what's going on is key.


Testimonials are collected and sent by users.

eduwo reviews every testimonial and checks whether it has been correctly and truthfully filled out.

The testimonial is published directly or after questions.

Der Erfahrungsbericht wird bei beleidigenden, rassistischen, verletzenden oder nicht korrekten Angaben abgewiesen.

Stefan Kölliker

“Eduwo makes an important contribution with its platform so that everyone can find the right training or further education for them.”

Stefan Kölliker

Regierungsrat Kanton SG

Marc Weder

“eduwo schafft zusätzliche Transparenz und bietet somit noch bessere Unterstützung bei der Entscheidung in der Wahl des Studiums und der Weiterbildungen.“

Marc Weder

Leiter Bildung Microsoft Schweiz

Luc Ulmer

“I think it's positive that there is an independent rating platform on which students can rate their courses of study with eduwo.”

Luc Ulmer

Leiter Kommunikation PH Zug

Fabio Brändle

“As an expert on eduwo, I am happy to pass on my experiences to interested parties. On my search for the right educational and career path, I would also have been very happy if this possibility of digital exchange had already existed.”

Fabio Brändle

Masterstudent ZHAW



Standard (Free)

Premium (Paid)

Information about new reviews

Basic information

Facts about the school

Title image by school

Social Media Channels Linking

Information about events (e.g. information events)

Link to the school's website

Premium Support Service

10 PDF documents and 10 images

Listing on the homepage with logo

Access to statistics

Listing of positive quotes

Comment function on reviews in the back end

Youtube integration

Posting of official school experts