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Master in Business Administration (MBA)

IMD Business School

Master in Business Administration (MBA)


Questo profilo è probabilmente non aggiornato

Non aggiornato: contattaci per informazioni attuali

6 - 12 Monate




mehr als 50'000 CHF





Qualifica professionale


Throughout the admissions process, we are looking for a holistic overview of your academic ability, career progression, achievements, leadership capacity, international outlook, integrity, drive, initiative and interpersonal skills. We want to know what you will contribute to the learning experience of your classmates and to the future of business and society.

Bachelor's Degree: your degree should come from an accredited school

Work Experience: we require a minimum of three years, full-time, post graduate experience, so that you can demonstrate your career progress. The typical range in the class is four to nine years.

Two Recommenders: choose people from business-related sources who know you well, have worked directly with you and who are able to highlight your professional achievements, interpersonal skills, teamwork and leadership, using our form.

GMAT/GRE: the average GMAT score in the class is typically around 680. While your unique experience and achievements can help balance out a weaker score, we recommend that you aim for above a 630 (or an equivalent GRE score). Please ensure you list IMD as a receiver of your score.

TOEFL/IELTS: the entire program is taught in English. If English is not your native language and you have not previously studied in English, then you will need to submit a TOEFL or IELTs score. There is no minimum requirement. Ideally, we recommend 108+ on the TOEFL (IBT) or an IELTS score of 7.5 or above. Our TOEFL IBT Code is – C301. 

7 passi per la tua formazione continua


1. affronta te stesso

Quali sono i tuoi talenti, interessi e obiettivi? Hai un AFC o un diploma?


2. garantire il finanziamento

Chiarisci come finanzieresti le tue formazioni continue.


3. ricerca di possibilità

Cerca la formazione continua e i corsi più adatti per te.

Trova la formazione continua ideale

In base ai tuoi interessi, ti vengono suggeriti i corsi più adatti e puoi confrontare le offerte direttamente tra loro.