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Hintergrundbild der Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI







Bachelor in Visual communication


Bachelor in Visual communication


Questo profilo è probabilmente non aggiornato

Non aggiornato: contattaci per informazioni attuali

3, 4 or 5 years




180 ECTS


max. 5'000 CHF




Possibilità di ristorazione: Si

Possibilità sportive: Si


Qualifica professionale


As in the other Swiss SUP institutions in the arts and design sector, admission to the bachelor course is subject to passing an aptitude test aimed at evaluating the artistic and creative skills of applicants. Students with school leaving examination from an artistic (MPA) or technical (MPT) high school in a discipline related to the field of study, or with school leaving examination from an artistic grammar school or from a five-year artistic high school (Italy) are granted direct admittance to the aptitude test, while those with school leaving examination from a general secondary school or from other vocational secondary schools must first complete either one year of on-the-job experience, recognised by SUPSI, in a field related to the selected course of study, or a foundation year at a Swiss art college. Applicants aged more than 25 and who lack these qualifications may be admitted provided they have significant training and work experience.

Career prospects

Graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Communication can fit easily into communication production or “cross platform” structures, and are also qualified to continue their studies in programmes conducted in Switzerland and abroad, in areas related to the communication and image sector. Visual communication education focuses on creative practice with more detailed study conducted in three professional areas that are fundamental to a broad-based and flexible professional profile: traditional graphic art, new technologies and audiovisual. Moreover, the teaching structure combines theoretical study with practical activity. During the project courses, in the ateliers and workshops, students collaborate actively with professional operators who work in the field of communication and imaging. Intensive workshops conducted by professors from all over the world are conducted twice a year.


7 passi per la tua formazione continua


1. affronta te stesso

Quali sono i tuoi talenti, interessi e obiettivi? Hai un AFC o un diploma?


2. garantire il finanziamento

Chiarisci come finanzieresti le tue formazioni continue.


3. ricerca di possibilità

Cerca la formazione continua e i corsi più adatti per te.

Trova la formazione continua ideale

In base ai tuoi interessi, ti vengono suggeriti i corsi più adatti e puoi confrontare le offerte direttamente tra loro.