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Hintergrundbild der Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI







Master in Secondary Education


Master in Secondary Education


Questo profilo è probabilmente non aggiornato

Non aggiornato: contattaci per informazioni attuali

2 to 3 years






max. 5'000 CHF




Possibilità di ristorazione: Si

Possibilità sportive: Si


Qualifica professionale


For admission to the Master’s degree course, before the beginning of the Master Program, applicants must have :

  1. a Bachelor degree, or a three-year university degree (180 ECTS; European Credit Transfer System), in accordance with Swiss University Conference (CUS) Directives, or equivalent qualification, certifying the successful completion of academic or scientific studies;
  2. if only one subject is to be taught, a certificate testifying the attainment of at least 110 ECTS in the teaching subject chosen for the specialist degree course; or, if two subjects are to be taught, a certificate testifying the attainment of at least 75 ECTS in the first teaching subject and 60 ECTS in the second teaching subject.
  3. Applicants with SUP Bachelor degrees who meet the requirements specified in point 2 are admitted to teaching programmes for the subjects of physical education, visual/plastic arts and musical education.

The subject area education of applicants, certified at university level, must adequately cover all the topics specified by the Middle School Education Programme, edited by the DECS Middle School Teaching Office (September 2004), for the chosen subjects. Details of the topics specified for each subject are given in the admission directives.
DFA reserves the right to verify the entry level of the technical competences of applicants for visual/plastic arts and musical education.
Applicants who plan to teach French, German or English must possess the linguistic competence required for teaching, certified at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
Applicants who fullfil the requirements specified in point 1, and whose qualifications have not been awarded in Italian, are admitted subject to verification of their fluency in Italian. The level required corresponds to level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
Applicants who intend to teach French, German or English, whose mother tongue corresponds to the chosen language, represent an exception. In this case a B2 level in Italian is required before the end of the program. The certification the required language competence before the end of the program is a necessary condition for being awarded the Master Degree
DFA reserves the right to verify the start level of linguistic competence of applicants.
Besides fulfillment of admission requirements, applicants will undergo an admission procedure, which is presented in the admission directives for the Master in Middle school teacher training.

7 passi per la tua formazione continua


1. affronta te stesso

Quali sono i tuoi talenti, interessi e obiettivi? Hai un AFC o un diploma?


2. garantire il finanziamento

Chiarisci come finanzieresti le tue formazioni continue.


3. ricerca di possibilità

Cerca la formazione continua e i corsi più adatti per te.

Trova la formazione continua ideale

In base ai tuoi interessi, ti vengono suggeriti i corsi più adatti e puoi confrontare le offerte direttamente tra loro.