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Hintergrundbild der Universität Luzern UNILU







Master in Health Sciences (IS)



100% Raccomandazione
(6 Esperienze)

1 Premi

Questo profilo è contraddistinto da un premio o da un certificato.

Master in Health Sciences (IS)


Logo der Universität Luzern UNILU

Questo profilo è attuale

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1 - 2 Jahre




120 ECTS


max. 5'000 CHF




Possibilità di ristorazione: Si

Possibilità sportive: Si


Qualifica professionale

Ulteriori informazioni


General Information

The Master’s program in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne offers students from a wide range of disciplines the necessary knowledge and skills towards a comprehensive understanding of health, functioning, and disability. The program provides a broad background in health sciences from an interdisciplinary perspective. It focuses on describing, understanding, and improving the health of individuals, and the optimal response of society and health systems to the health needs of the population.

The two-year Master’s program with 120 credits includes core courses in the principles of health sciences, advanced research methods, and academic and professional skills.


Key facts

Program duration:

2 years
(full-time; part-time studies are possible)


(based on the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS;
workload about 25-30 hours per ECTS)

Awarded title:

MSc in Health Sciences

Program start:

In the fall semester

Application deadline:

30 April, late applications are possible until 31 august.


Program structure

Modules of the study program:

  • Principles of Health Sciences (30 ECTS)

  • Advanced Research Methods (12 ECTS)

  • Academic and Professional Skills (6 ECTS)

  • Major (30 ECTS)

  • Internship (18 ECTS)

  • Master's Thesis & Oral Examination (24 ECTS)



Students choose one of the following majors to get more in-depth knowledge depending on their professional interests and career direction:

  • Health Communication

  • Health and Social Behavior

  • Health Economics and Policy

  • Health Services Research

  • Health Data Science


Internship and practice experience

The internship is a mandatory element of the study program. Students will have the chance to gain first-hand experience in applying their knowledge and skills in a health sciences environment, research and practice. Internships can be done within our own research groups at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. In addition, students have the opportunity to apply for an internship with a partner organization, e.g.,


Career prospects

The Master in Health Sciences offers the ideal preparation for students who aspire to have careers in the health sector, in a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment, or who aim at undertaking research in the broad field of health sciences. In our program, we are dedicated to educating students, so that they are in an excellent position to further their career in health-related areas, including positions in:

  • Health administration/public health

  • Research/Academia

  • Health education and health promotion

  • Management in state and federal health agencies

  • Other health-related industries

Our graduates are working as (inter alia):

  • Marketing Communication Manager

  • Supply Chain Specialist

  • Patient Relations Manager

  • Pricing and Reimbursement Associate

  • Lean Hospital Promotor

  • Research Assistant

  • Clinical Application Specialist

  • Project Manager

  • Academic Associate


Application and Admission

The Master in Health Sciences starts every fall term. The application period for each fall intake lasts from mid-February until April 30.

Late applications are accepted as follows (with an additional fee of CHF 150):
until 31.08.: For applicants who do not require a visa (citizens of CH, EU, EFTA, Japan, New Zealand)
until 30.06.: For applicants who require a visa (citizens of all other countries)

7 passi per la tua formazione continua


1. affronta te stesso

Quali sono i tuoi talenti, interessi e obiettivi? Hai un AFC o un diploma?


2. garantire il finanziamento

Chiarisci come finanzieresti le tue formazioni continue.


3. ricerca di possibilità

Cerca la formazione continua e i corsi più adatti per te.


Weiterempfehlungsrate über 95%

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