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Hintergrundbild der Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences Tomorrow University








Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences

Tomorrow University


100% Raccomandazione
(2 Esperienze)

2 Premi

Questo profilo è contraddistinto da un premio o da un certificato.

Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences

Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences



Tipo di scuola



Questo profilo è attuale

I dati sono stati controllati di recente

Ulteriori informazioni


Our learning principles


At our institution, we pride ourselves on being a community of lifelong learners. We have developed our program and curriculum to remain adaptable to the changing times. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to choose from an array of challenges inspired by real-life scenarios encountered in the business and entrepreneurial worlds. By engaging in these challenges, you will have the chance to apply, create, and master the competencies that are essential for building a better future.


All of our programs are designed to be fully remote. Our unique learning model emphasizes flexibility in the time required to demonstrate competency in a specific subject area, while maintaining a constant expectation for mastery. Rather than following traditional course structures, you will progress through a series of challenges that enable you to build competencies in real-time, customized to suit your individual learning needs.


Our cutting-edge technology is designed to guide you through the program, adapting to your individual needs and providing feedback from start to finish. The app customizes your learning experience by individually tailoring your goals as a learner within the program and your understanding of core competencies. As you progress through your studies, you will be able to track your learning progress visually, enabling you to remain focused on achieving your desired outcomes. Ultimately, this technology empowers you to take ownership of your learning experience and make it uniquely your own.


We use the concept of 'not yet' as a benchmark when a learner has yet to prove mastery of a challenge or competency. Instead of facing failure for not meeting a particular standard, you are given the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge until you achieve mastery. You can continue to submit your work until reviewers and experts believe that you have fully grasped the chosen concept. At ToU, we do not view this as failure, but rather as a continuous process of improvement with room for growth and progress.


We facilitate the creation of valuable connections among learners, resulting in immersive and productive remote learning experiences. With your cohort, mentors, and extensive global network, you will remain involved and connected through frequent live sessions, course discussions, and events. Our challenge-based approach to learning encourages collaboration and fosters 360° feedback from all participants, including peers, mentors, and vice versa, at all times.

7 passi per la tua formazione continua


1. affronta te stesso

Quali sono i tuoi talenti, interessi e obiettivi? Hai un AFC o un diploma?


2. garantire il finanziamento

Chiarisci come finanzieresti le tue formazioni continue.


3. ricerca di possibilità

Cerca la formazione continua e i corsi più adatti per te.


Durchschnittsnote über 4.5

Weiterempfehlungsrate über 95%

Trova la formazione continua ideale

In base ai tuoi interessi, ti vengono suggeriti i corsi più adatti e puoi confrontare le offerte direttamente tra loro.