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Hintergrundbild des Studienbereichs Technische/r Kaufmann/-frau

Technische/r Kaufmann/-frau

Als Technischer Kaufmann bzw. Technische Kauffrau übernimmst du vor allem Aufgaben im technisch-betriebswirtschaftlichen Umfeld. Technische Kaufleute arbeiten in den Bereichen technischer Verkauf, Marketing sowie Supply Chain Management und übernehmen die Leitung von Projekten im technischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Bereich.

Ausserdem stellen sie sicher, dass die interne und externe Kommunikation mit allen Anspruchsgruppen reibungslos funktioniert. Sie organisieren die Umsetzung der Anforderungen im Bereich Qualität, Umwelt und Sicherheit sowie eine angemessene Infrastruktur. Technische Kaufleute sind die Bindegliedfunktion zwischen Technik und Ökonomie in einem Unternehmen.

Bei der Weiterbildung als Technischer Kaufmann / Technische Kauffrau handelt es sich in den meisten Fällen um eine Berufsprüfung. Mit dem Ablegen einer Berufsprüfung (BP) erhält man einen eidg. Fachausweis.

What are the focal points?

Modules taught include: Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Sales, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Accounting, Business Management, Law and Economics, Problem Solving and Decision Making Methodology, and Presentation and Communication. The specialized courses also provide necessary qualifications that are required for the exam. Depending on the training location and course, the modules may differ.

How long does the further training take?

Depending on the training location, this course lasts 1 - 3 years and is usually completed part-time. Full-time, the training takes about 2 semesters.

How much does continuing education cost?

The cost of further training as a technical businessman / technical businesswoman amounts to 5,000 to 15,000 CHF, depending on the training location. Depending on the training institution, there are additional costs for teaching materials and examination fees. 

What are the admission requirements for further training as a Technical Businessman / Technical Businesswoman?

As a rule, a federal certificate of proficiency and at least 3 years of experience in professional practice or in the industry is required. There may be other or further admission requirements depending on the training institution, such as an interest in commercial work or knowledge of economics.

Career prospects after further training

The degree in Technical Business Administration with a Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency enables you to take on a managerial position in the lower to middle management range and you work in various sectors such as: Industry, watch and micro technology, trade, administration or in the service sector.

For those who want to go a step further after a few years of professional experience, you can then take a higher specialist exam to become a business economist SME, sales manager or as a purchasing manager. 

If you have detailed questions about further education as a technical business management assistant or want to know more about the fields of action of technical business management assistants, you can also contact the association Anavant. Anavant is the Swiss Association of Technical Management Professionals and works together with various commercial schools, among others. 

Wage as Technical Businessman / Technical Businesswoman

With the degree of Technical Businessman / Technical Businesswoman, the salary in Switzerland is between 60,000 and 94,000 CHF per year.

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