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Hintergrundbild des Studienbereichs Tourismus, Hotelmanagement & Gastronomie

Tourismus, Hotelmanagement & Gastronomie

Beim Tourismus und Hotelmanagement dreht sich alles um den Kontakt mit Menschen, die verschiedenen Sprachen und das Reisen. Der Tourismus kümmert sich um die Entwicklung von Angeboten für einheimische und/oder ausländische Gäste. Die Tourismusbranche ist ausserdem eng mit der Reisebranche verwandt, dazu gehören beispielsweise auch Reisebüros. Auch die Hotellerie ist ein Teil der Tourismusbranche. Während des Studiums lernst du diverse betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen kennen (z.B. Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Marketing, Produkteentwicklung), befasst dich mit den Tourismusmodulen und auch Fremdsprachen und Kommunikation spielen eine wichtige Rolle. Während des Studiums besteht ein grosser Praxisbezug und je nach Ausbildungsort muss ein Praktikum absolviert werden. 

What are the main focuses?

During their studies, students are taught business fundamentals such as accounting, marketing and product development on the one hand, and tourism modules such as e-commerce, events, leisure, sports or sustainability on the other. Foreign languages and communication also play an important role.

How long does the education or training take?

For a bachelor's degree, the training takes around 3 years in full-time study; part-time training takes correspondingly longer.

For continuing education, the duration can vary greatly. If you want to do a CAS Tourism, the duration is around 6 months. If you attend a HF, the training takes around 2-4 years.

What are the admission requirements?

For admission to a bachelor's program, you need a vocational baccalaureate, a baccalaureate from a grammar school or a specialized baccalaureate. Depending on the university of applied sciences, you also need study-specific practical experience in the form of a 12-month work experience. The recognition of practical experience should be clarified with the respective educational institution. With a diploma from a recognized higher technical college in the occupation-specific field, you will be admitted without an examination in most cases.

In the case of continuing education courses, several years of professional experience are usually required for admission, and in certain cases a university degree must also be presented.

Vocations and careers after graduation

Graduates of this major can work in business, advertising, and public services, and are concerned with the economic aspects of leisure and tourism.

Wage after studies / training

In Switzerland, the average salary is around CHF 65,000 to 85,000 per year. This can vary depending on the industry, company and work experience. 

Where can I get training or further education?

Students who want to study at a university of applied sciences can attend, for example, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Graubünden or the University of Lucerne. If you want to go to a university, the University of Lausanne and the University of Italian Switzerland also offer such studies. 

If you want to do further education in the travel or tourism industry, the University of Bern, the University of Applied Sciences Kalaidos, the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lucerne, among others, offer various courses. There you can, for example, continue your education as a tourism specialist.

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