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Soziale Arbeit
Im Studium der Sozialen Arbeit werden soziale Fragestellungen diskutiert. Der Fokus liegt auf der Beratung sowie Begleitung einzelner Individuen, Gruppen und Organisationen. Ebenfalls findet eine Auseinandersetzung mit Menschen, Sozialen Systemen, Armut und Ungleichheit statt. Das Ziel des Studienganges ist die Befähigung von Fachleuten für die Soziale Arbeit, die sich den wachsenden Herausforderungen eines sich schnell entwickelnden und verändernden Sozialwesens stellen wollen.
In the study of social work, on the one hand, theories and backgrounds are taught: For example, models of social intervention, social history, organizational theory or social problems. Social work also integrates knowledge from neighboring disciplines such as sociology, political science or psychology.
Depending on the field of study, type of school and degree, the length of study differs. The study as a bachelor can be completed in full-time or part-time model and usually lasts between 6-10 semesters or 3-5 academic years. If you want to follow this up with a master's degree, this will take another 4 semesters.
A bachelor's degree costs between depending on the university and duration. 4'500 -8'000.- Swiss francs and at a higher technical college between 10'000 - 50'000.- Swiss francs, again depending on the course of education. The differences are shown to you here.
Depending on the training institution- and location, various requirements are necessary to be accepted into the program. This can be a certain previous education, but also a few years of work experience. In addition to direct admission, there are also various admission procedures.
Social work lays the foundation for various careers in the professional fields of social work, social welfare or social policy. Career opportunities and fields of action arise in practice, for example as a team leader or practice educator for children and adolescents, social worker at a school or social pedagogue. For those who would like to develop even further, the master's degree program offers itself.
The salary: In Switzerland, as a social worker, a salary Between 75,000.- and 104,000 francs is possible, of course, this varies depending on the industry, degree and position. You can find potential employers here.
University of Applied Sciences, university or higher technical college: social work studies are offered at BFH Bern, FHS St.Gallen, FHNW Olten, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, and HSLU Luzern, among others.
Bachelor's, master's or higher technical college: you can find concrete study programs in social work in Switzerland including experiences of students and graduates below. Also you will find below a selection students and graduates who advise you online and free of charge regarding studies and careers.
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