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Hintergrundbild der Universität Liechtenstein UNILI








Master in Finance



100% Weiterempfehlung
(6 Erfahrungen)

1 Auszeichnungen

Dieses Profil ist mit einem Award order einem Zertifikate ausgezeichnet.

Master in Finance


Logo der Universität Liechtenstein UNILI

Dieses Profil ist aktuell

Die Angaben wurden kürzlich geprüft

4 Semesters




120 ECTS


CHF 950,- /semester





Rolling admissions

Beginning of September

Beginn des Studiengangs

Verpflegungsmöglichkeit: Ja

Sportmöglichkeit: Ja




We are looking for young, dynamic team players with a passion for  finance. The yearly intake is limited to 40 students. A strong  motivation to participate in and actively shape this challenging  programme is therefore essential.

Admission requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in a related subject
  • Early registration without a diploma is possible; the diploma can be submitted later
  • Proven foundation in research skills and methodology
  • Motivational statement (1-2 pages)
  • English: B2 level/ IELTS 5.5
  • Admission interview (upon invitation)

Weitere Infos



This research oriented and internationally recognised programme attracts talented students from all over the world and is unique thanks to its international approach, CFA-oriented curriculum and its personal study environment.

It currently is one of the few English programmes in the German-speaking area with focus on Asset Management, Wealth Management, Risk Management and International Finance.

Students are equipped with knowledge in the latest research topics in finance and are expected to take on the challenge of studying at a very high academic level. The delivery of methodologies and the completion of research projects are key aspects of this programme and build a base for a further PhD programme.

Small class size and one-to-one tuition provide a personal, creative and productive learning and research environment focusing on the development of strong individual profiles. Traditionally, the student group is highly international thus students can reinforce their intercultural competencies. Our practice-oriented projects enhance teamwork capacity, communication skills and leadership potential among students. Furthermore, excursions and educational journeys plus a possible semester abroad deliver additional insights into different cultures and international financial markets.


Why study Finance in Liechtenstein?

  • Personal learning environment through a low professor/student-ratio
  • International study group of around 35 students
  • English programme with focus on International Financial Management, Risk and Asset Management
  • Strong links to the financial hub in Liechtenstein and Switzerland
  • Curriculum content linked to CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst
  • Educational journeys to leading financial centres in the world
  • Excellent career prospects
  • Ideal preparation for a PhD programme

CFA-oriented curriculum

The curriculum is designed to familiarise students with the content of the CFA examinations. Accomplishing CFA levels 1-3 of the CFA-Charter is an internationally recognised professional degree in the finance sector and will provide an important competitive advantage within the industry.


Programme structure

The programme is modularly structured and lectures take place generally three days per week, with occasional lectures on a Saturday. Lecturing time can vary. The entire programme is taught in English. A strong emphasis lies on team work within small groups, which ensures exceptionally close contact between instructors and students.


Student profile

University of Liechtenstein strives to attract talented individuals from around the world to be admitted to the MSc in Finance. The number of available places is limited to 35 per year and through a rigour selection process we ensure that only highly qualified students are admitted. In particular, we are looking for young and dynamic team players with a passion for Finance. We expect students to deliver high quality work and to be strongly motivated to participate in and actively shape this challenging programme.



This programme with Liechtenstein’s unique strategic position and membership in the EEA grants students easy access to the Swiss, and the European employment market. The university is recognised by Swiss authorities and the programme by all member states of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland. The international spirit of the programme is enhanced by the international body of academic staff and its international student group. In addition, educational journeys, the possibility of an exchange semester and excursions give insight into international market developments and provide additional career opportunities.


Study Plus

Besides studying, we encourage our students to actively participate in extra-curricular activities. We believe that the work-life balance plays a key role to get the most out of our students, which is why we offer a variety of diverse activities.

The career: service at the University of Liechtenstein offers help and assistance to students regarding contacts to companies as well as career counselling.

Educational Journey
The educational journey to internationally important financial markets takes place every two years. Destinations in previous years included New York/Chicago, Beijing/Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

Banking Award Liechtenstein
Highly innovative Master’s theses of graduates can be nominated for the Banking Award Liechtenstein of the Liechtenstein Bankers Association. The award is endowed with up to CHF 5'000.

After-Work Lectures
The Chair in Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management, in cooperation with the CFA Society Liechtenstein, organises a series of after-work lectures each year, in conjunction with professionals of local and national banks and the financial services industry.

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