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Create the perfect application!

Valuable tips for studying

The number of students is increasing more and more. It is therefore all the more important that you make the difference with your application! Take a look at the following tips for a perfect application:


If you have any contact with the companies via telephone or trade fairs, you should definitely mention this.


Why do you come into question as a worker? What are your skills, from which the company could benefit? Convince your future employer of you.

Interests & Skills

Ohne zu sehr ins Detail zu gehen: Wer bist du? Erwähne deine Interessen und Skills.

Maximum one A4 page

The attention span when reading should not be overstrained. Therefore, try to keep your application short and concise - definitely not longer than one A4 page!

Exciting subject

Most applications are sent to the employer by email. Therefore, choose a more exciting subject than "application". An exciting subject is usually the reason why a mail is read first. A complete application always includes a well-developed resume. Here too, you should pay attention to some things. The following points can help you with that:


Aller Anfang ist schwer: Stütze dich daher auf Vorlagen, wie sie beispielsweise auf can be found.

Personal data

Start with your personal data. Keep it as short as possible here. Do not forget: Name, full address, email, phone number, date of birth, nationality.


Then comes the education: Which (higher) schools have you attended so far? Name the subject in which you have obtained your degree.

Professional experience

Your professional experience shows the employer that you have already gained first professional experience in addition to your education. Also briefly describe your tasks here to convey a more detailed picture.

Voluntary work

Have you done voluntary work or extracurricular activities? Here too, a brief description of your tasks is sufficient.

Languages and skills

Another important point are the languages and skills. Also mention the certificates you have acquired, for example in a language or further training.


Close your resume with your interests. Does tennis belong to your great passion? Or an instrument? Here too, an explanation is advantageous. Why can your interests be advantageous for a company? Supplement your interests with 1 - 2 sentences.

Application photo

Also not to be underestimated: your application photo. The chance of getting a job increases if your future employer can already get a first impression of you. However, make sure that you round off your resume with a professional photo - a holiday photo is not enough for this!

News on education and career

Alica Brückmann | Bildungs-Beraterin

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