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How do I find the perfect internship?

Valuable tips for studying

A practical training or several internships are mandatory in some courses of study and are intended to provide an insight into the world of work. Even if an internship is not required from you during your studies, it makes sense to think about it during your studies. Many students are now deciding on an internship during the bachelor's and master's degree. On the one hand, to gain first professional experience and on the other hand, because such an experience is increasingly demanded by employers. So here is a small checklist of what you should pay attention to when applying for an internship:

Job alarm

Internships can be found on (student) websites such as , ,or to be searched. In addition, create a Linkedin profile to make the first contacts in the business world, follow companies and receive notifications for suitable internships. Try to start looking for an internship as early as possible. As already mentioned, internships are there to gain first professional experience.


In which area is the company of your choice active? Can you imagine investing the next 6-12 months for this company? Can you identify with its values?


How did you feel when you read the description of the internship? Are your potential tasks exciting? Can you apply the learned content from your studies? Can you benefit from the content of your internship for future jobs?

Employment contract

Read your employment contract carefully before and contact your future employer if you have any questions. Do not sign anything if you do not feel good about it! It is important that you have someone read the contract who has already had experience with it. So: Are all the important details in the contract? Are you satisfied with the remuneration? Do you consider the requirements of your employer to be fair?

Gut feeling

Last but not least - and perhaps most importantly: does your gut feeling fit? Do you feel good when you think about your future internship? If you are not sure, you can either just start and maybe it will be better than you think or you can just keep looking for your perfect internship!

News on education and career

Alica Brückmann | Bildungs-Beraterin

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